Names are so key to identity and respect. The people closest to you use your name. You can easily join that circle of trust by using the name of the people in your workshop.
Create Trust
Finding a way to use them in the workshop will create trust.
Use name tags
Name tags are good. The benefits outweigh the awkwardness.
Name games
Best to do name games if you can… and when giving notes to a person just ask… the phrase I use is “remind me of your name” And that generally works. Unless you’ve known them for years… it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for the name again.
Stand in a circle. Point to someone else and say your own name. You can move to their spot in the circle when they’ve repeated your name. They need to point to someone else before you get to them. This creates a sense of urgency. I’ve seen this played with elimination but that seems counter to the purpose of learning everyone’s name.
Point to someone and say their name.
Point to someone and say the name of the person they should point to.
After the game you can set up the expectation that if you temporarily forget someone’s name, you can simply ask. And as you continue in the workshop, whenever you have them work in pairs add the instruction, “Remind each other of your name.” You’ll incorporate the names much faster. And it’s so easy to do.