How to Play
Different genres are fun and reflect the cultural values of your audience.
Each player gets a different genre (story style) suggested by the audience. The players improvise a scene with a single story while each holds true to their assigned genre. One story with different genres.
Genres are very fun to study and play …but….they can also fall into stereotype of clichĂ©. You may find as a group that you always do the same 4 or 5 genres. Consider expanding your range. For example consider The Bechdel Test.
You can play Conducted Story where everyone has a different style.
You can also play a version of Zones where different zones of the stage are assigned a specific style.
I saw this first performed at BATS Improv by Corey Rosen and team. They used the playwrights Neil Simon, Tennessee Williams and David Mamet. It was wonderful to watch the actors interact and build a single story from within their different styles.
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