Quick Description
Players take turns finishing the phrase “Sex with me is like __“.
Players base their answers on a suggestion by the audience.

How to Play
To play “Sex with Me is Like…” have the players line up on stage.
One of the players ask the audience for an noun (person, place or thing).
The players step forward when they have an idea of how to fill in the rest of the statement.
Any player can change the object when the energy starts to wain.
Noun: Burning Building
Player 1: Sex with me is like a burning building ….hot.
Player 2: Sex with me is like a burning building …eventually a fireman will come.
Players 3: Sex with me is like a burning building…it’s hot until someone gets hurt.
Player 4: sex with me is like a burning building…lots of panic and screaming.
- Players can clap their hands before they go in to let the other players know they have something
- Suggest the players step forward even when their ideas are not fully formed.
- Encourage the players to deliver their ideas with confidence.
- Encourage the players to say obvious things.
- Ask for another suggestion when the players don’t have anything else to say.
- This is a joke format. It is similar to “185 (blanks) walk into a bar…” no narrative here.
- “I like my lovers like I like ________ , (funny phrase).” Example: I like my lovers like I like a burning building, things get so hot the neighbors come and stare! This version is called Innuendo.
- Hey Baby. “Hey Baby are you a ________, because you’re, (funny phrase). “Hey baby, are you a lamp, because you brighten up my day.
Thanks to the improvisers on Reddit for sharing these variations.
I first saw this game performed by the improv group for the University of Saint Andrews, Blind Mirth. They used it for the last game of their set, to close their show. They were performing at the Edinburgh Fringe festival. All of the young women in the group appeared to be uncomfortable during the game.
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