Quick Description
In this paired drawing game everyone has a piece of paper and a dark pen. Get into pairs and draw a picture of the other person without looking down at your piece of paper. No looking. After 60 seconds show the drawing to each other.
How to Play
Have the players get into groups of two.
Both players have a sheet of paper and a pen. (I suggest a pen that leaves a thick line.)
Both players look at their paper and place their pen on the paper.
The leaders calls ‘start’.
The players look at their partner and draw them, without looking at the paper.
The leader calls stop after a minute.
The players show the drawings to each other.

Debrief for relevant insights

There is no wrong way to play this game. Whatever happens is worth talking about.
Many people talk about how difficult it is to NOT look at the page. This is a good opening to talk about our relationship to feedback.
Often people talk about a moment when they had to let go of what the final product would look like.
Almost everyone laughs.
If you would like additional ideas about debriefing the paired drawing game, please contact me. And if you discover an insight, please share it with me.
As an activity for teaching improvisation it can be used to highlight:
- Starting before you are ready
- Being bold with offers
- Commitment in the face of uncertainty
- Being playful with each other
- Accepting what happens
- …more..
I learned this game from Corey Rosen of BATS Improv in March of 2020 who said he learned it from Christina. Here is a video of Christina McFadden explaining the game.
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Watch Christina explain how to play the paired drawing game
Get the Playbook so you have hundreds of games in your pocket when you need them.