Quick Description

To play loser ball, players in a circle toss an invisible ball to each other randomly. Players always miss the ball. Other players cheer them for missing.
How to Play
Players stand in a circle.
One player holds an imaginary ball (about the size of a grapefruit). That player tosses it to a specific player in the circle.
That player does not catch it. That’s right they miss it.
When the players misses the ball, everyone else gives them positive cheers.
“Great work, you missed it.”
“Perfect miss. Congratulations.
The player who did not catch the imaginary ball, picks it up and throws it to another player in the circle.
The pattern of throw, miss and positive support continues.
Watch out for the comments built on accepting the failure as something bad. For example, “Oh good try, next time you’ll catch it”.
The point is to miss the ball. That can be celebrated.
This game is about changing our relationship to failure in order for the players to be more courageous. Our stages need courageous improvers working together not cautious improvisers isolated in their own head.
The ball can be any size.
You can play with a real ball.
Loser Ball comes to us from Linda Calgaro from Sydney Australia. She learned it from Jill Bernard. Here is her Small Cute Book of Improv.
Loser Ball comes to us from Linda Calgaro from Sydney Australia. She learned it from Jill Bernard. Here is her Small Cute Book of Improv.
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