Building the location for the scene is often an afterthought. This activity focuses on the skills to name the environment confidently and quickly.
How to Play
One player stands in the center of the stage and improvises a monologue based on suggestion.
The other players enter the stage area and begin a scene with that character in a new location and time. It’s a way to explore that character’s world. Who is in it? Where does he/she visit? What is home like? Work? Anything.
Keep the scene short and focused on exploring the location. Creating space objects? Engaged in activities? Naming elements of the environment?
Another player enters and begins a new scene in a different location with a different character. The earlier player exits the stage area.
The main character remains the same.
The activity was designed to specifically work on developing strong locations for scene work… however it has other benefits.
The activity gives players an opportunity to practice jumping in and strongly defining relationship as well as location.
This activity can also build strong character skills.
I learned this activity from Lisa Rowland from BATS Improv in San Francisco during a rehearsal for her improv show The Bechtel Test.
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