Quick Description

Horseshoe. The group stands in a horse shoe formation. Have everyone count off from 1. The player standing in the #1 spot calls another number. The person standing in that number’s spot calls another number. You can not call the number that called you. If you hesitate the round is over and that person moves to the end of the line. Everyone above that number shifts to the new number spot. The number stays with the spot not the player. Repeat. Round 2: Players names.
How to Play
Have everyone stand in a horseshoe shape and count off in sequence from one end of the horseshoe to the other end.
The player standing in the number 1 position calls out a number. The player standing in that spot must call out another number quickly. Play continues until someone hesitates too long or the player calls the number of the player who just called them. [The no-call-backs rule.]
When that happens, the player who hesitated or called the number of the person who just called them, has to go to the end of the horseshoe. That player now takes the number of the last spot in the horseshoe.
The number stays with the spot, not the person.
Play restarts with the player in number 1 spot.
Round 2
After a while check in with the group on the level of difficulty. They will almost always agreement that it’s pretty easy.
Suggest you play the game with the players names.
Review the names of the group.
The play is the same. The names stay with the spot although the players may change their spots.
This games operates at the edge of competence – or perhaps just past it.
If this game doesn’t bring joy to the group, consider moving on to something else.
If you want to build connection between a group over time you can use other identifies instead of numbers or names. Zoological Signs. Home towns. Nick names.
I learned this game from Regina Saisi at BATS Improv and she learned it many years ago from Randy Dixon of Unexpected Productions.

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