Quick Description
Can you get a player to say a random word chosen from the dictionary naturally in a scene? That’s the game.
How to Play
Place one of the players in the soundproof booth.* An audience member randomly selects a word from the dictionary. The word is read aloud for all to hear.
The player returns from the soundproof booth and rejoins his fellow improvisers. Together they play a scene.
The improvisers try to get the player to say the word naturally in the scene.
The players can start a scene from nothing or get a suggestion from the audience for the scene.
If the players are too obvious it may not be entertaining.
See if you can make it a scene and not a guessing game. The audience will be more entertained if it’s a good scene and the word is never said than if the word is said and the scene was not worth their time.
*Soundproof Booth: This is how we do it at BATS Improv– the player turns their back to the audience, places their fingers in their ears and hums or sings out loud. Other players, not involved in the scene can stand around them and add additional singing and distractions.
Here is a site that will generate a random word list.
Don’t know where I learned this one.
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