Quick Description
A player tells an improvised story while another player calls ‘advance’ to prompt them to advance the action and ‘color’ to describe the people, place, or emotions

How to Play
This game can be played pairs as a training game or with multiple players standing in a line with a pointer or conductor (see Conducted Song)
In pairs have one player begin to tell an improvised story. From time to time the other player calls ‘advance’ or ‘color’.
“Advance” indicates that the storyteller should advance the action. For example: “She jumped in her car and drove as fast as she could to the campus.”
“Color” indicates that the storyteller should describe the people, place or emotion that is taking place. Avoiding any action, if possible. For example, “The sleek black Dodge Charger roared like powerful beast as it streaked down the highway.
This can be played as a performance game with the conductor pointing to people at random and calling either “advance” or “action”.
This game can remind us that both advancing the action and describing the the world of the story can be equally satisfying
In workshops it can be used to build strength in the areas needed by players.
You can add “Emotion” to the list. The caller can call either advance, color or emotion. It is often called ACE for short.
Not sure. I think I learned this game from Rebecca Stockley.
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