In pairs or small groups have the players have a conversation where the last word (or line) said is the first word (or line) of the player responding.
Complementary Pose Loop
Quick Description Start with a person taking a pose. One by one the players add…
Concentration: Large group activity
Quick Description Concentration: Improv Edition. A large group of people pair up and choose a…
Conducted Song
Quick Description Players improvise a song. The conductor indicates which players is singing. Hence the…
How to Play Have the group stand in a circle. Explain that the object of…
Dance to make your partner happy
Quick Description Players in pairs. One player is the leader the other is the follower. …
Dear Diary
Quick Description One player writes in a diary and narrates aloud. Another player calls time…
Death in a Minute
Quick Description The title, Death in a Minute says it all. Players play a scene…
Quick Description Can you get a player to say a random word chosen from the…
Did-ya-ever… Improv Game
Quick Description Players create a story one word at a time that always starts with…
Ding Deeper
Quick Description When a bell makes a ding, a player’s emotional state goes deeper. How…
Directed Inner Song-a-logue
Quick Description Players are directed to sing their inner thoughts. Instead of an inner monologue…
Director’s Commentary
Quick Description Players improvise a scene while an off-stage player add comments as if they…
How to Play The dictionary defines Distillation as the extraction of the essential meaning or…
Do you know what I like about you?
In the "Do you know what I like about you?" exercise, participants pair up and…
Quick Description Dong. In this variation of the improv game ‘New Choice’, players must change…