Quick Description
Players improvise a scene but can’t complete their own sentences.
How to Play
This improv game has a deceptively simple constraint. Players improvise a scene in which they cannot complete their own sentences.
This can play out in a number of ways. Players can complete each others sentences. Players can leave a long pause. Players can use physical movement to imply the ending of the thought (sentence).
This is a collaboration or shared control game.
As with all games that require a constraint, the challenge is to make the scene theatrical and not just a game. As you play this game, challenge yourself to create relationships within the constraint. After all, who cares really if you finish a sentence? Finishing a sentence can by quite satisfying for an audience, if it takes the story forward or produces a big laugh.
Don’t know where this game came from. Probably Viola Spolin. This game has been around for years, I learned it when I started doing improv in the 80s.
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