This Improv Game is based on the Best Actor category in an awards show.
Quick Description
Players improvise bits of fictions movies nominated for best picture of the year award. They can perform as if the the role is played a real or fictitious person suggested by the audience.
How to play
Five players line up. The host gets a suggestion from the audience of a famous musician.
The host also asks the audience for 5 people (real or fictional (historical or cartoon)) that would never win an academy award.
The host assigns one of those people to each actor along with the title of a song from the musical artist (The title of the song acts as the title of the movie). (For example, Homer Simpson in Tonight’s Gonna Be A Good Night).
The host acts as the announcer at the Academy Awards and announces each nominee for category. When announced, each actor performs a short clip (5-10 seconds) from the film. The nominated actor works with the actor that went before them for the clip. (The first actor works with actor number 5.)
And the Best Actor award goes to…
The audience votes for their favorite nominee and that performer steps forward to accept the award with a speech. If the speech runs long, the music can swell to cut them off.
This improv game can be played without the suggestion of the song or the character from the audience.
This improv game can be played with the audience suggesting the movie titles.
Sent to us by Joshua Nicols of Lobby Improv in Los Angeles. This game is “A Lobby Improv Original.”
Remember the rule of comic relevance. 80 percent or more must know the cultural reference or they will not ‘get’ the joke.
The is similar to a game call “Academy Awards”
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